Cacoethes Scribendi

"the insatiable urge to write"

Saturday, January 30, 2010

On the go...

I wrote this poem as I was listening to John Mayer's song Friends, Lovers or Nothing and the following line: "Anything other than stay is go" got me thinking. I looked down at the current poetry definition I was recording for my midterm coming up next week and it was RHYTHM: a measured movement. But how could I attempt to "define," [literally from Latin finire-to limit,] or even remotely restrict such a thing as rhythm? The whole exercize in itself seemed futile.

Thus, I began to sketch a short poem about rhythm and try to work with how rhythm plays out in everday life. This is the result:

"3. measured movement"
Roads entwining, winding, binding.
Hoof beats swiftly grinding, grinding.
Your voice lifting, laughing, lulling.
Tantrums often pushing, pulling.
Hurry, for we must get going!
Moving, moving, never slowing/

Rivers flowing, raging, roaring.
Herons watching, sometimes soaring.
Youthful chanting, singing, songing.
Tiptoe whispers, sleepers yawning.
Hear, Oh Israel, your longing:
Moving, moving every morning/

Rest, ye weary on-the-goers,
Healing for you harvest sowers.
You will find your peace beside me.
Thirst no more, for I will guide thee.
Hearts once pounding, always racing. embracing/


  1. Googled Mayer and his lyrics and listen to the song to try and follow the path you took to your amazing poem which makes me long for more rhythm in my life.

  2. Your writing makes me pause and think. It is poignant and full of life. You've challenged me to stretch and grow. Thank you.


  3. I like how you spell "RHYTHM" in each stanza with the acronym of the first word in the line. This poem is rhythmic on so many levels.
